I've been trying to get much better at documenting all of the repairs I work on and thought it would be nice to share some jumper repairs that I've done so far in 2024.
These have all been a mixture of personal commissions directly through slow stitch club and then projects I've worked on with The Seam and one thing I have noticed so far is that I now get to work on such a variety of repairs. It's the biggest privilege to be able to mend people's clothing for them and it's still just so much fun to do.
It's so cool to be able to see the variety of colours and repair techniques that people want for their well worn clothing and I always encourage people to tell me exactly what they're looking for when it comes to giving them a new lease of life. These visible mends can add such character to clothing and have the power to timestamp a moment in time - I know I've said it so many times before, but I love the idea of using our clothes as a wearable scrapbook.
You can see these repairs in more detail over on Patreon, and if you've got a favourite mend that you've worked on this year then I'd love to see a photo or hear all about it!